
Use simple pythonic syntax to compose TCPDump expressions

How To

The most common use case for TCPDumpCompiler is when investigating a *nix machine that does not have a GUI. SSH into the machine and open TCPDumpCompiler in a browser to help compose tcpdump quiries and paste them into your terminal:


    digit = "0" | "1" | "2"| ... | "9" ;

    character = "a" | "b" | ... "Z" ;

    Identifier = character { character | digit } ;

    Number = {digit} ;

    String = "'", {character}, "'" ;

    Primitive = Number | String ;

    ExpressionDecl = "Expr(", expression_type, ["," , Number | String | Identifier ], ")" ;

    Assignment = Identifier, "=", ExpressionDecl | Primitive ;

    Expression = ExpressionDecl | Identifier { "and" | "or" [ "not" ] ExpressionDecl | Identifier } ;

    Program = { Assignment } "Compile(", Expression, ")" ;